About me

Kia ora!

My name is Alida (it’s Dutch), I currently live in Kirikiriroa Hamilton in Aotearoa New Zealand. I was born in Ōtepoti Dunedin where both my parents grew up but moved to the Netherlands when I was three months old. We came back to Aotearoa when I was four, where I went to school in Rotorua. My whakapapa goes back to the Netherlands on my mum’s side and Scotland, England, and Ireland on my dad’s side.

I recently completed my PhD at Massey University on gender equity and feelings of belonging in sports organisations. I have a Master’s degree in History from the University of Waikato.

I am experienced in history, communication, marketing, strategic development, events, project management, and research, and deeply immersed in the space of belonging and equity.

I am passionate about sport, on and off the field, especially football and yoga, and enjoy brisk walks near a body of water where I can dabble in my other passion, photography (which you can see on my Instagram).